College Democrats | A Year in Review
The 2017-2018 school year was another success for College Democrats! It may have been an off year for elections, but every good Dem knows that the magic happens in the off years. Over the past year we were visited by many different politicians and candidates from across the state, including all four gubernatorial candidates. Our issue committees were hard at work hosting KickAsses on de-westernizing feminism, education and housing policy in Detroit, and opposing conversion therapy. Our members bonded together and canvassed for Ralph Northam, the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia, in our annual Fall Break trip (with a side trip to our nation's capital). Best of luck to all of our members as they travel the world in study abroad programs, spend time at home with family, and work jobs and internships from Ann Arbor to Washington DC. We can't wait to see you all back in the Fall ready to flip this state in a blue wave!