College Democrats Weekly Update

Last week was a busy week for College Democrats! Below are pictures from the many events our members hosted and attended over the last week. 

On Friday we saw College Democrats members leading the student sit-in at the LEO bargaining session. The Lecturers' Union was able to make progress in bargaining their new contract with the university over the weekend meaning that the strike planned for today and tomorrow has been postponed. We hope that the bargaining will continue to make progress toward giving lecturers a fair wage.

Early Saturday morning College Democrats drove to Saginaw Valley State University for the Michigan Federation of College Democrats' Spring Conference! Over the weekend our members met Michigan politicians like Former Lieutenant Governor John Cherry, discussed amendments to the MFCD constitution, and electing a new executive board. Congratulations to our new executive board!

We ended our week with a great event put on by FemDems called Nevertheless She Drank Coffee! FemDems invited local female politicians to talk with us about their experiences in politics over coffee and snacks. Thank you to all the politicians that came out on Sunday!


KickAss Thursday | Paper Plates Awards


KickAss Thursday | Andy Levin