How to Ensure you are Registered in Ann Arbor
Step 1: Check if you're registered
Visit to check if you are registered at your current Ann Arbor address.
If you are, you're all set.
If not, follow the steps below.
To vote in Michigan, you must:
Be a Michigan resident and have lived in your city or township for at least 30 days before the election.
Be a U.S. citizen.
Be at least 18 years old by Election Day.
To vote in Ann Arbor, you must be registered at your current Ann Arbor address and have lived there for at least 30 days before the election (before September 6, 2024).
Step 2: Register or update your address
Before October 22, 2024:
Online: Register or update your address at
In-Person: You can register at any city clerk’s office.
Recommendation: Do not mail in a printed registration form, as it may cause delays.
After October 21, 2024:
You must register in person:
Ann Arbor City Hall Clerk’s Office: 8 AM - 5 PM (year-round)
Closes at 4 pm on 11/4.Pop-Up Clerk at UMMA - Central Campus: 11 AM - 7 PM (starting September 24, 2024) Closes at 4 pm on 11/4.
Pop-up Clerk at Pierpont Commons/Duderstadt Center: 11 AM - 7 PM
(starting October 26, 2024) Closes at 4 pm on 11/4.
Step 3: What to take with you
Identification such as your MCard (student ID), driver’s license, state ID, or passport
Proof of Residency: If you're registering after October 21, 2024, bring one of the following:
Michigan driver’s license or state ID with your current address
Current utility bill
Bank statement
Paycheck or government check
Wolverine Access address if you live in Ann Arbor
Step 4: Confirm your registration
Five days or so after you register, visit and enter your voter information to confirm that your registration was recorded with the Ann Arbor clerk.
Within 10 days after registering, you should receive a voter registration card in the mail. The card is just for your reference, you do not need to present it when voting.
If you don’t receive your card, call the Ann Arbor Clerk’s Office at 734-794-6140 to confirm your registration and request a new card.